This bibliography includes government documents (federal, tribal, state, county, and city) concerning Montana women.
Most of the materials are available from the Montana Historical Society. For your convenience, an MHS call number has been provided in parentheses following each bibliographic entry. Where material is available in a digital format, we have included the link.
Government Documents
Barber, Roger A. Equal Rights Amendment Speaker’s Handbook. Helena: Women’s Law Section, State Bar of Montana, 1980. (S 342.73 B23E 1980)
Cahoon, J’Nelle. Montana Women and Men in Non-traditional Jobs: A Resource Directory. Helena, MT: Human Resource Development Office, Commissioner of Higher Education Office, 1988. Accessed on June 13, 2013. Click here for digital version.
Dias, Marcia, and Laurie A. Lamson. Montana Women and Work: A Survey of Needs and Attitudes. Helena, MT: Women’s Bureau, Department of Labor and Industry, 1980. Accessed on June 13, 2013. Click here for digital version.
Federal Civil Works Administration. Civil Works Administration Montana. Washington, DC: Federal Civil Works Administration, 1940. (352.77 C499R 1940)
Governor’s Commission on Status of Women. Montana Women: Their Future Role; A Report and Recommendations Presented to the Honorable Tim Babcock, Governor, State of Montana. Helena, MT: Governor’s Commission on Status of Women, 1967. Accessed on June 13, 2013. Click here for digital version.
Hale, Sandra L. Barriers to Prenatal Care for Montana Women. Helena: Montana Department of Health & Environmental Sciences, Family/Maternal & Child Health Bureau, Montana Perinatal Program, 1991. (S 362.83 H2BPC 1991)
Home Economics Education Service. Home Projects: Part of the Total Learning Experience. Training Program for Young Women Employed on Work Projects by the National Youth Administration. Washington, DC: Federal Security Agency, U.S. Office of Education, 1941. (US 370.113 MISC 2712-6)
Interdepartmental Coordinating Committee for Women, ICCW. Helena, MT: The Committee, 1990. Click here for digital version.
King, Linda, and Tracy Bier. Getting Hired, a Job-hunting Manual for Montana Women. Helena, MT: Woman’s Bureau, Montana Department of Labor and Industry, c. 1977 (S 650.14 K584)
Kragh, Gail. Montana Women in the ‘80’s. Helena: Research & Analysis Bureau, Montana Department of Labor and Industry, 1985. Accessed on June 13, 2013. Click here for digital version.
Montana Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Employment Practices in Montana, the Effects on American Indians and Women: A Report. Washington, DC: U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 1974. (US 331.133 UN3CI)
Montana Department of Administration. Annual Report to the Governor on the Montana E.E.O. and Affirmative Action Program for the Period Ending March 31, 1982. Helena: Montana Dept. of Administration, Personnel Division, 1982-1989. Click here for digital version.
———. Comparable Worth in Montana State Government: A Report to the Fiftieth Legislature. Helena: Montana Department of Administration, Personnel Division, 1987. Click here for digital version.
———. Comparable Worth in Montana State Government: A Report to the Fifty-first Legislature. Helena: Montana Department of Administration, Personnel Division, 1989. Click here for digital version.
———. Comparable Worth in Montana State Government: A Report to the Fifty-second Legislature. Helena: Montana Department of Administration, Personnel Division, 1991. Click here for digital version.
———. The Montana Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Program. Helena, MT: Equal Employment Opportunity Section, Relations Bureau, State Personnel Division, Department of Administration, 1981-1991. (S 331.133 AD3EEO 1981; S 331.133 AD3EEO 1982; S 331.133 AD3EEO 1983; S 331.133 AD3EEO 1984; S 331.133 AD3EEO 1985; S 331.133 AD3EEO 1986; S 331.133 AD3EEO 1987; S 331.133 AD3EEO 1988; S 331.133 AD3EEO 1989; S 331.133 AD3EEO 1991)
Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences. State Plan for Montana’s Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC). Helena: Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences, 1988. Accessed on June 13, 2013. Click here for digital version.
Montana Department of Health and Human Services. Montana Breast & Cervical Health Program 2006/2007. Helena: Montana Department of Health and Human Services, 2006. (S 613.04244 P30MBC 2006)
———. Montana Breast & Cervical Health Program 2007/2008. Helena: Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, 2007. (S 613.04244 P30MBC 2007/2008)
Montana Department of Labor and Industry. Labor Market Information for Affirmative Action Programs in Montana, 1977-1978. Helena: Research and Analysis Section, Employment Security Division, Department of Labor and Industries, 1979. Click here for digital version.
———. Labor Market Information for Affirmative Action Programs, Volume III. Helena: Research and Analysis Section, Employment Security Division, Department of Labor and Industries, 1981. Click here for digital version.
———. Women’s Bureau Clearinghouse. Helena: Department of Labor and Industry, 1974. Accessed on June 13, 2013. Click here for digital version.
Montana Department of Labor and Industry, Women’s Bureau. Educational Aides for Women: 1980-1981. Helena: Woman’s Bureau, Montana Department of Labor and Industry, 1981. Click here for digital version.
———. Newsbriefs from the Women’s Bureau. Helena: Women’s Bureau, Montana Department of Labor and Industry. Library holds July 1976-Dec., 1977, Jan.-Dec. 1978, Jan.-June and Aug-Dec. 1979, Jan.-Dec. 1980, Jan.-June 1981. (S 331.405 W66N)
Montana Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services, Community Services Division. Battered Women: Rights and Options in Montana. Helena: Montana Departmen. of Social and Rehabilitation Services, Management Operations Bureau, c. 1982. Click here for digital version.
Montana Employment and Security Division, Research and Analysis Section. Montana Women on the Move: A Labor Market Information Publication. Helena: State of Montana, Department of Labor and Industry, Employment Security Division, 1978. Accessed on June 13, 2013. Click here for digital version.
Montana ERA Ratification Council. ERA Coordinators Handbook. Helena, MT: Montana ERA Ratification Council, 1974. (342.73 ER11)
Montana Legislative Services Division. Jurisdictions: A Report of the Law, Justice, and Indian Affairs Interim Committee. Helena: Montana Legislative Council, 2000. (S 342.08 L81JR)
Montana Supreme Court Gender Fairness Task Force. Final Report: Findings and Recommendations. Helena: Montana Supreme Court Gender Fairness Task Force, 2000. (S 305.42 S5GFTFFR)
Parker, Eleanor. Montana Women & the Law. Helena: Montana Department of Labor and Industry, Labor Standards Division, Women’s Bureau, 1978. (S 346.013 L1P 1978)
Parker, Eleanor, and Joan A. Duncan. Montana Women & the Law. Helena: Montana Department of Labor and Industry, Labor Standards Division, Women’s Bureau, 1976. (S 346.013 L1P 1976)
Uda, Joan A. Montana Working Woman: Your Job Rights. Helena: Montana Department of Labor and Industry, Labor Standards Division, Women’s Bureau, 1979. Accessed on June 13, 2013. Click here for digital version.
Women on Words and Images. Guidelines for the Creative Use of Biased Materials in a Non-biased Way. Washington, DC: Women on Words and Images. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare [Education Division], Office of Education, 1979. (S 370.193 P11GF)
———. Guidelines for Sex-fair Vocational Education Materials. Washington, DC: Women on Words and Images. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare [Education Division], Office of Education, 1979. (S 370.193 P11G)